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Debut Novel

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Being a monster hunter sucks. 


You would think spending the better part of a hard life killing monsters for a secret order of wizards, protecting their secret library AND preventing an apocalypse or two would be enough to earn a little appreciation.    

But some people are never satisfied… 


After twenty years of being a glorified exterminator for the Nine-Fold Council, Bill decides he’s had enough.  As he takes his first steps into retirement, he finds out the hard way the wizards aren’t ready to let him go. 


Strongarmed into taking one final assignment, Bill has to track down the baddest demon he ever fought and the people crazy enough to summon it. No big deal for the Council’s best Hunter. Right?  


Maybe not.


This time, he’s been saddled with a belligerent apprentice with a chip on her shoulder and an itchy trigger finger, his magic weapons are being held hostage by his employer, and someone or something is trying to kill him every step of the way.  


Can the reluctant hunter catch his breath long enough to figure out who’s behind it all? Will he send the monster back to Hell before it’s too late, or will this be the job that finally kills him? Either way, when he’s done, he’s done… and the wizards can kiss his overworked backside goodbye.    

The Hunter's Goodbye

A Little About Me



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I am science fiction and fantasy writer, who moonlights as a nuclear maintenance supervisor. I have a Bachelor of Science in English with a minor in sociology and an associate’s degree in power plant technologies.


Early in life, I found myself drawn inexorably to Star Wars, Star Trek, all things Douglas Adams, and most things Tolkien. While these where the foundation of my creative growth, I developed a love for a wide variety of science fiction and fantasy, at the movies, on the TV, and in books.


For now, I live near the very small town in rural Kansas, on a gravel road named after a bird, along with a neurotic dog named after a hip-hop star. For fun, I ride my motorcycle, challenge my woodworking and metalworking skills, kayak, hike, take road trips, sneak away to the mountains whenever I get the chance.


I had pursued an English degree after, imagining that I might just slip directly into publishing novels for a living. Once it become apparent that I might need to get a paying job while working on the world’s greatest novel, I went to work for a small newspaper as the feature writer, reporter, photographer, and occasional assistant editor. Seeking more action and adventure I moved on to other endeavors, including handyman, carpenter, warehouse-truck driver, city marshal, and electrician, before settling into the highly regulated and surprisingly uneventful world of nuclear power plant maintenance.


The Hunter’s Goodbye is my debut.


The world’s greatest novel is still forthcoming.

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